Should you read something at open mic?
Yes, as long as it is short. That way, even if it’s not any good, you are benefiting both yourself and others.
Reasons why you should read something, even if it’s not any good, at the next open mic night:
1. It shows pluck, ovaries, or balls. It grows courage.
2. You will have a more tangible reason to write.
3. If what you do is crappy, you are encouraging other artists who think: “I could do better than that!” And then they’ll get up at the next open mic and it’ll keep the venue fresh.
4. If you want to bail, you can stop reading wherever you want.
5. If what you do is good, you are encouraging other artists who think: “Ah! That’s what I want to be able to do!”
6. You are looking for an excuse to try out wearing a beret, or a muumuu, or whatever you want, bringing joy to yourself and admiration or amusement to others.
7. You will listen better to other performers after you perform. You will hear what works and what doesn’t work. This will improve your ability to write well.