Stanford Teaching Commons: Activities to Boost Student Engagement

Group Of People At Their Graduation Rites

Today, while reading Sarah Rose Cavanagh’s article “How to Make Your Teaching More Engaging” — because hey, that’s something I need to do! — I followed one of the links which led me to these learning activities, posted in the Stanford Teaching Commons. Maybe you’ve used some, like Think-Pair-Share, maybe others you’ve never heard of. In my opinion, they are all worth checking out!

I believe that a large part of teaching is to inspire students. After all, we became teachers in part because we were inspired by other teachers. Also, we chose to teach our particular subject because there was something about it that made it stand out. Thus, it is our responsibility as teachers to make our classes engaging for our students.

See below for Activities to Boost Student Engagement, from the Stanford Teaching Commons:


Case Method Teaching

Coached Problem Solving

Collaborative Learning

G+ Hangout sessions

Guided Discovery Problems

Just-in-Time Teaching

Online Forum Discussion

Problem-Based Learning

Project-Based Learning

Remote Labs

Retrieval Practice



Team-Based Problem Solving


Measuring the Height of Trees with a Clinometer/Laser Rangefinder: Sine works better than Tangent

When I first got interested in measuring the heights of trees, after reading a wonderful book called The Wild Trees: A Story of Passion and Daring by Richard Preston, I thought that finding the tangent was the best way to calculate the height of a tree. After all, I didn’t have a way to measure the hypotenuse — the distance from me to the top of the crown. However, a laser rangefinder let’s you calculate that distance, which in turn makes it much easier to get an accurate reading for the height of a tree. Thanks to the Eastern Native Tree Society (ENTS) for posting a helpful article about this.

Here’s a link to the article.

And a file download: